Are you curious about the things of God? Do you ever hear testimonies from others telling of great things God has done and wondered if God would do that for you? Have you ever found yourself climbing up a tree of skepticism just to get a better view from a safe distance away? That’s o.k.! At least you’re looking! For most of us that is the first step. The Holy Spirit draws us with our curiosity. What will you do when God calls your name?
When God Calls Your Name
There was once a man who was not well liked by others. I guess you might could say he was a bit shady. The kind of man that took advantage of others misfortune and then skimmed off the top for himself. He had heard about miracles that Jesus had done in the life of others and he wondered if Jesus could do something for him. Although he was a wealthy man there was a yearning in his life that position and money could not satisfy.
Will God Call Your Name?
Have you ever been in the middle of a crowd trying to get someone to notice you? Maybe you were at a concert or a baseball game wildly waving your hands hoping someone would throw a t-shirt your way. Maybe you have been in a prayer service anxiously hoping the pastor would call out your name or mention your request from the pulpit. This would make you secure that God was hearing and answering your prayer.
Zacchaeus was that sort of man. He was so curious to know more about who Jesus was that he devised a plan when he heard Jesus was passing through his town. As the crowds following Jesus started coming near, Zacchaeus ran ahead and climbed up a tree to get a better vantage point. This was not a proper action for a man of his wealth and position.
He probably looked a little bit silly up in that tree in his fancy clothes. However, Zacchaeus didn’t care. He cared more about getting to see Jesus than he did about how he looked. He was finally desperate enough for change in his life that he stopped thinking about how he appeared to others.
Are you more concerned with your appearance than your proximity?
My challenge to each of you is to ask the Lord if there is anything you are up in a tree about. Is there any area of your life He is asking you to let go of? Any move of the Holy Spirit you haven’t encountered but are curious about? I am asking you to seek the Holy Spirit and ask Him to reveal these things to you and then by faith let go of your security branch.
When God Calls Your Name You Should Be Near to Hear Him
Zacchaeus knew where Jesus was going to be so he went and looked for Him. You, however, don’t have to climb a tree to see Jesus. His word tells us right where to find Him.
He is where we pray…
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1 NKJV
But you when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut the door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. Matthew 6:6 NKJV
He is where we praise…
Yet You are Holy, O You who are enthroned upon the praises of Israel. Psalms 22:3 NASV
When we enter into praise and worship we allow the glory of the Lord to be enthroned on our hearts. He sits down there! We enter His gates with thanksgiving and then draw even closer with our praise. Jesus is present where ever worship is happening.
He is where we gather with other believers in His name…
For where two or three have gathered together in my name, I am there in their midst. Matthew 18:20 NASV
When God Calls He Uses Your Name
When Jesus came to the place, He looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down for today I must stay at your house. NASV
Before Zacchaeus was born God knew him. He chose his name because it described the man that God knew Zacchaeus would be. Zacchaeus means pure, clean, and just. What? That doesn’t describe the Zacchaeus that we’ve always heard about. He was a cheater and a thief. When Jesus called Zacchaeus down from that tree he didn’t say, “Excuse me, Sir, could you come down please.” He didn’t say,” Hey you little cheater! I know who you are. Get down here now!” No, He called him into his destiny.
Even though they had never met, Jesus looked up into that tree and said “Zacchaeus, one who is pure, clean and just, come down.”
When God Calls Your Name He Calls You To Destiny
When Jesus looks at you he doesn’t see your failures or weaknesses. He sees the child that he created, full of potential, and able to be victorious in any situation because in our weakness He is strong.
I can hear Him calling your name right now.
Just like the prince called to sleeping beauty, He is leaning toward you with a kiss and a whisper saying, “Awake sleeper, Arise from the dead! And the light of Christ will shine upon you.” “Come, daughter of Zion, Come my Bride and walk with me. Let me give you living water for your soul. I will pamper you and pour my fragrant oils upon your head. Let me come to your house and feast with you. I will provide the food.”
When God Calls Your Name You Must Clear Your Calendar
It didn’t matter what was happening at Zacchaeus’s house that day. From the moment he came down from that tree his schedule had been changed. He would do no more work collecting taxes this day. His calendar had been cleared. His servants dropped everything they had planned and began preparing for a feast.
My friend, don’t wait until you get your life in order before you seek out the Lord.
If this is your excuse, rest assured the enemy will make sure that you never get things in order. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost, not those who have already been found.
When God Calls Your Name He is Keeping a Promise
I always believed that Zacchaeus was saved because he repented from his evil ways and gave back the goods. Then one day this verse became rhema life-changing food for me.
And Jesus said to him, ” Today salvation has come to this house, because he, too, is a son of Abraham.
Zacchaeus was not chosen because Jesus knew he would turn over a new leaf? No, he was chosen because years ago the Creator cut a covenant with one of Zacchaeus’s ancestors. It was a covenant of promise, favor, blessings, and eternal life. Zacchaeus was called out of his life of sin and chosen to be used by God because of God’s covenant with the descendants of Abraham. Zacchaeus was saved when he chose to follow Jesus and invite Him into his home, sight unseen. He was transformed after being in the presence of our Lord and feasting upon His glory.
What will you do when God calls your name?
Are you willing to draw closer so that you can hear His voice? You know exactly where He will be. Are you willing to let go of tradition and position? Zacchaeus had to do some things that the “religious” may have deemed inappropriate. Will you abandon all your preconceived ideas of your life, drop everything, and follow Him? There are some amazing things He is waiting to show you.
So come now! There is no time to waste, sons and daughters of Abraham. Climb down out of your tree because the Messiah is drawing near and He is calling your name.
It is my prayer that your faith will grow through this message and that it will inspire you to step outside of your box to experience Jesus in some whole new ways. This lesson is also a perfect one to teach your children. As you learn and God speaks to your heart, share it with them. God is calling their names too!
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