I remember it as though it happened this morning. Every time I retell this story, I can feel the reverb of His trumpeting voice in my core. This is a prophetic word that the Lord spoke to me years ago. It is the catalyst for my ministry, the reason I keep pushing forward, and the voice that cries on the inside of me.
Prophetic Word: The Call for Action
It happened on Tuesday, January 12, 2010. I was awakened by the trumpeting voice of the Lord. He simply spoke, “Repair the Rifts!’ I say spoke but the sound of His voice shook every cell in my body awake. I got up out of bed and went to the kitchen for some water still feeling a little disoriented. Had I been dreaming or did God just speak to me? Then, I heard Him again and this time I was fully awake; “Mend the Breaches!” I ran for a dictionary, which is what I normally do if I don’t understand a word. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything!
Repair the Rifts and Mend the Breaches
I looked up the definition of a rift.
- A crack, split, or tear
- A break in relationships
- A shallow waterway caused by the backwash of a wave or rocky place
- A long narrow line of faults a caused by stress
- A gap caused by cleaving or splitting
There are things that are broken and the Lord was calling me to action. What was it that needed repairing? I kept digging and went to look up the next word, breach.
God has the best since of humor and He loves to laugh!
Spelling is not my strong suit, as you will see. Before I looked up breach, I spelled the word wrong and looked up breech!
Breech – the buttocks or hinder part.
You can imagine my horror as I asked, “Lord, Repair a crack where??!!”
Then He enlightened me with a roll of His eyes. I could see Him shaking His head with a big smile across His face as he said I needed to look up the word BREACH! We both got a big laugh out of that and I began to calm down a little bit.
I then looked up the definition of the word breach.
- An opening or tear allowing something to breakthrough
- A gap or rift
- A crack in a dam
- A break in relationships or laws
The Significance of the Date
The reason that I know the date of this word is because later in the day I found out that a catastrophic earthquake had hit Haiti. January 12, 2010. January represents a 1st as also the number 10, while 12 is a number representing authority. Something new was about to be birthed in me and in the world and God was certainly speaking with authority that morning and calling me to do the same.
What does it Mean?
This is one of those words that have forever changed me. It’s meaning, like the voice who spoke it, seems bottomless. If these words, “Repair the Rifts and Mend the Breaches” resonates in your spirit the way they do in mine I would suggest that you go to your knees.
It means there is danger ahead and work to be done! We should be on the offense instead of always playing defense. It means that we should seek out and investigate the cracks and begin to fix them before the enemy has a chance to break through.
Proof that God’s Word Never Stops Its Work
This word has resonated in my heart for the past nine years. It has inspired me to teach, train, intercede, watch, and to change. The enemy is always attacking somewhere and we constantly need to be renewed, therefore, there is always something to be mended and repaired.
When I take this word back before the Lord today, this is what I hear Him saying to me and you.
The Father’s Prayer and Word for You.
The trumpet is about to sound!
Time is drawing near!
The enemy is about to pull out all his tricks!
My people need to be prepared!
The call is going forth to moms, dads, grandparents, intercessors, teachers, and pastors.
There is no longer time for offense. Families, neighborhoods, churches, and nations need to stand as one.
Prepare yourself for battle! Invite me to search out your heart and reveal areas of weakness or sin. Deal with them quickly so they do not fester and become like a breach about to fall or cause a sudden an unexpected collapse. Mend relationships with those who are estranged. Forgive the mistakes of others, be gracious and leave any discipline up to me.
I am calling you to holiness. Are you willing to become holy in thought, speech and action?
Get your house in order so that my glory can expand from there. Stand in the gap as Moses did for your people. Call their hearts back to me and release the power of My Word over their lives. Through you, I will display my holiness so that they can see and I can draw them to myself.
Make clear the paths and remove the rubble causing the breach in the flow of my Holy Spirit in your life. Then teach others to do the same.
Do Not Fear
I will never break my covenant with you. You can do this if you are willing to listen and follow my instruction. There is no fear in my plans, only victory and rejoicing. If you cleave to the past, you will cause a break in our relationship. Let go and trust in me. Your identity is no longer in your past but in your future.
I’m going on a search and rescue mission and I want you to join me. Together we will see families, people, and nations restored. We are seeking all the small pieces to repair the whole. Do not despise the small things. Every small piece builds the foundation to the big plan.
That plan is the restoration of my children and my son’s inheritance. It is time for the Bride to heal, strengthen, grow, and be restored. She is already out there trying to escape and to find her way. I need you to reach across the gap, take her hand, and show her the way.
One Final Word
I know that my mistake of looking up breeches seemed humorous. (at least it was for me), but I saw something on that page in the dictionary that did catch my attention. It was a picture of a breeches buoy. A breeches buoy was a method used by ships to rescue others who were perhaps stranded on a sinking ship. They would attach a pair of breeches (pants) to a pulley system rigged up between the two ships. The breeches would be sent over to the person in danger and they would climb into the breeches and then be pulled back to safety. Interesting isn’t it! I love how God never lets anything go to waste. This is a perfect picture of us being rescued and pulled back to God and how we should extend ourselves to others.
I am excited to know if this word spoke to you and to know who out there has been called on this great mission with me. I’m sure that the call is for everyone; however, some feel it more strongly than others.
I would love to hear from you!
Repair the Rifts and Mend the Breaches!
After a good chuckle about the “breeches” , reading this convicted me of some cracks that need repairing quickly before they widen. I have received the call and am committed to fiercely protect my marriage and family from the enemy. The time is now.
Thank you Madaline!❤
I needed this more than ever today thedr lsdt few days have been almost to a point of an emotional breakdown for me I really need restoration in my family and for God to come through with me as I cannot handle this alone and I’m weary I feel.as a weight is on me my soul is tired I feel as my family in my household are definatly not operating and unity and just plain disrespectfull I feel like giving up I’ve prayed so many times and I cant mend the pieces on my own.