Have you ever left yourself or someone else a post-it note as a reminder? I think the best reminders are the post-it notes I get from God.
Sometimes at work I leave myself a post-it to remind me of an important task, deadline, meeting or something else I really need to remember. I don’t know if it’s a less than stellar memory or my age that makes this necessary but it is necessary. You’d think that important things would be easy to remember but sometimes our days are so filled with stuff or just life in general that we somehow don’t retrieve those vital bits of memory that we need to.
Thank God for the inventor of post-it notes.
Maybe you’re a high-tech person that has an app on your phone to help you remember. Me, I’m old school. I still stick a note somewhere that I’m sure to see so that I don’t forget. Without those little colorful reminders I know I’d be in a heap of trouble. That is why I am so thankful when I receive post-it notes from God.
God’s post-it notes are sometimes so big He places them in the sky.
A couple of days ago on my morning commute to work as I crossed the Tennessee river, I looked east over the Chattanooga skyline and saw once again one of my favorite morning sights, a beautiful sunrise. This sight always interrupts my thoughts of the tasks of the day that lay before me and colorfully and wonderfully reminds me how awesome our God is.
It’s like a huge breathtaking post-it note from our Creator. It says, “Hey, don’t forget about me today.” Each sunrise is unique and special just like the opportunities we have everyday to let God shine through us.
Just as the sky is void of color without the sun then breaks forth with a glorious display of one of a kind beauty as the sun appears, we Christians can brighten the day around us if we’ll let the SON glow in us.
A Side note
This post-it note from God also reminded me about the “new mercies” He grants to us each day.
How cool is it to get to start all over everyday. Just like the sun chases away the darkness each morning, God will wash away our mess ups and the times we’ve failed Him. Of course there are always earthly consequences but our Sovereign God doesn’t hold them against us if we confess and lay those faults at the foot of the cross where Jesus bore our punishment for us.
This doesn’t gives us a license to do whatever we want without fear of consequences but it does give us grace when we stumble. The trick is learning from our stumbles and watching where we walk to avoid future trip ups. If we will keep our eyes on Jesus and follow His road map, He’ll guide our footsteps and keep us safe from things that may cause us to fall. God’s “new mercies” or post-it notes should not only cause us to give Him thanks for forgiveness but remind us to do better.
Before and After
It’s interesting to me how God gave us two of His most breathtaking creations as bookends surrounding the dark night.
Now I know that there is science to explain why sunsets and sunrises are so beautifully colorful but as a creationists I don’t think it just happened. God knew exactly what He was doing. I have a feeling He wanted us to know His peace before and after the darkness so that we could know His presence during the night.
Think about it. If we are reminded of God’s awesomeness just before the sun goes down we can rest peacefully knowing what kind of God we have. Then, in the night if we wake we can either remember the sunset or look forward to the sunrise and His new mercies once again. Perhaps remembering what He has done and looking forward to what He’s going to do is how we make it through dark times without losing our joy, peace and hope.
Quite brilliant on God’s part don’t you think?
Watching the sky,
Love Post-it notes from God.” I am an elementary CCD religion teacher and I purchased colorful Post-it pop-up dispensers for my fellow teachers for Christmas (most would think an unusual gift.) Using Post-it notes for my daily activities as well as for spiritual reminders – I wanted to share the value of spiritual enrichment using Post-its. Struggling with an approach to convey this message, I found your awesome site! Your post on “Post-it notes from God has helped me convey my message.
Thanks and May God Bless You