See what I did there? Unfortunately for my family I am a bit of a pun guy. I enjoy looking for plays on words. The other day I came up with this one – Jesus.calm. The more I thought about it the more I realized the truth in it. We live in a world that has many trials, troubles and tribulations. God told us “in this life you will have troubles”. Thankfully, as Christians we know we are not alone. Jesus our Savior is still Emanuel, God with us. That knowledge should bring us a peace that passeth all understanding in every situation.
In other words, we should always be logged into Jesus.calm.
No Fear
The Bible tells us that “we haven’t been given a spirit of fear” period. To me that means we should NEVER be fearful, no matter the situation. I know that is easier said than done but I believe when we truly know fear is not from God but from our mortal enemy, that lion who prowls around looking to steal, kill, and destroy, then we will learn to stop fear in it’s tracks the moment he approaches us.
We should be able to immediately click on that app in our spirit and instantly be logged into Jesus.calm… aah peace.
When Peace Came to Earth
When Jesus was born the angels proclaimed “Peace on earth”. Sometimes we equate Peace on Earth as world peace but obviously those two do not have the same meaning. When Jesus was born there wasn’t suddenly “world peace”. Nations still warred with each other and people still fussed and argued.
So what did the peace on earth thing actually mean? I’m glad you asked.
To me it means that since Jesus (Emanuel) is here now we can be, if we choose to be, at peace with our Creator. Jesus reconciled us to God through His sacrifice on the cross that paid the price for our wrongdoings. When we accept the gift that Jesus gave, of taking our punishment for us, then we have peace in our hearts because we know that we are right with God. We can talk to Him. We can be with Him for all eternity. That’s a pretty peaceful way to be.
Unfortunately, all too often, we let the things of this world weigh on us and rob us of our peace.
Whether its worrying about our health or our future or even our loved ones, the worry causes us to forget who we are in Christ.
The Bible tells us to cast our burdens on Him. In other words let go of them. You can’t cast something without letting go of it. It seems as though we kind of hang on to them. Sort of like the little throwing toy that is a ball on an elastic string attached to a wristband. Have you seen those? You throw it and it bounces right back to you. I feel like we cast our burdens like that. We pray and we “give them to Jesus” and then they bounce right back to us because we didn’t truly cast them. So how do we do that? Again it’s easier said than done. One thing that should help is if we can change our point of view.
Look Up
Look up. Look heavenward. One, that’s where our “help comes from” and two, that’s the endgame. Thanks to our redemption through Jesus Christ we know that this time on earth is just a blink of the eye compared to eternity. Be careful of that blink. Don’t let it keep your eyes closed too long.
Open your eyes and look to the future, your future.
Everything is gonna be OK. I used to ask my kids in Kids’ Church “What’s the worse case scenario? You die? Well, if that happens where will you be?” As Jesus followers we know the answer is Heaven. That’s a pretty good worse case scenario. So, cut that string on your burdens and cast them away. Jesus can handle it. Look to the future.
Install that app in your spirit and when you’re feeling troubled click on Jesus.calm.
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