Sometimes life just seems overwhelming. Looking at the battle ahead, we feel defeated before we even start to fight.
How do we find strength to face life’s battle? The apostle Paul would say it is by fanning the flames within!
Fan into flame the gift of God which is in you.
These powerful words were from the apostle Paul to his dear friend Timothy. They were to remind him to stay loyal to the call of Christ even in the face of adversity.
It is time to rally not run.
You know how some people switch favorite sports teams often. Whoever is winning…that’s their favorite. Peer pressure has a lot to do with it. They want to look good and go for the winning team. However, I know if you are a true fan when the chips are down is when you should rally not run.
To the world it may seem that the “Christian Team” is losing the battle. The liberal media projects its own agenda by spreading it across the airwaves often subtle and other times not. Sometimes we just want to throw our hands up and say, “Let someone else fight that one” or we listen to the arguments from the other side which could cause our stand to weaken.
Whether you are standing up for truth or possibly in your own personal battle, I wanted to come by and encourage you today to stay loyal to the call.
Stand firm in the calling that God has given you and fan into flame the gift He has given you.
What is that gift you ask? More like who is that gift!
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:6
Who is our Gift?
The Holy Spirit! God Himself is in you encouraging you to press on. So whatever battle you are facing today I wish for you to be encouraged. You may be interceding for a prodigal child, battling schedules, weight loss, or depression. Maybe like Timothy you are being called to stand up for Christ in a way that goes against the popularity of the world.
Paul reminds us, as he did Timothy, to never be ashamed of the Gospel.
I encourage you to never give up on a promise that you have from God. Jesus, the Savior, was the ultimate promise fulfilled. To all of God’s promises He answers Yes! and Amen!
It is time to start fanning the flame within.
How do you fan a spark into flames?
What if you have been so discouraged that there isn’t even a spark left?
I believe it takes a little friction and a gentle breath. The friction comes when we get on our knees before the Lord and seek Him. Remind Him of His Word, hold on to His promises, and declare it over your situation. The breath is Him coming into agreement with you and His Word. He then strengthens you by the gift of the Holy Spirit which has been deposited into you as a believer.
When the Lord touches that spark with His breath watch out!
A blaze of strength, renewed hope, and fresh ideas are coming your way.
We have a secret weapon.
This is a weapon that can never be stopped. Paul said in 2 Timothy that although he may be in chains, the Word of God can never be chained. It is alive and sharper than a two edged sword. These are some more truths that we find from 2 Timothy.
- If we died with Him, we will also live with Him
- If we endure, we will also reign with Him
- When we trust in Him, He prove faithful and keep what was entrusted
- He has placed a treasure within you and equipped you to do His work.
Take these words before the Lord. In His presence you will find the inspiration that you need to continue your journey. As you stir up the promises of God by speaking and meditating on His Word, you will fan into flames the gift He has given you.
Leave a comment and tell me about your experience.
I would love to agree with you in prayer for God’s purposes in your life to be fulfilled.
Fanning with you,
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