Need to know how to change your self-image?
Mirror mirror on the wall… We have all heard that one before. How about this one? A mirror never lies. Well, I have been to a carnival before and I beg to differ. Some mirrors can make you look short others tall, some fat and others skinny. It is strange how some days I can look in my own bathroom mirror and think I look great and the next day see something totally different. So is something wrong with my mirror or with my eyes? Granted my eyes are not what they use to be, however, I think sometimes my eyesight depends on my mood. Often we look at ourselves through the eyes of comparison or eyes of judgment.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could look at ourselves through the Fathers eyes!
Who am I again?
When we do not consistantly live out the who that God’s Word has called us to be, often we forget who we are.
For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. James 1:23
The secrect to remembering is obedience.
Mark Batterson says this in his new book, Whisper. It is not enough to read and pray through God’s Word, you must obey it. “Until you obey it, you’ve simply been educated beyond your level of obedience.”
I was omce teaching a class on obedience to a group of 2-4th grade students. They were all listening intently and I was sure the message was coming across. Right after class one little boy started behaving as if he had never heard the lesson. I asked him, “I thought you were listening so well in class, didn’t you learn anything?” His reply was, “Yes, but that was just in that room.” I was shocked!
Have our children been so well trained in behavior that they can turn on whatever skills they need for the appropriate situation? In school I am compliant and listen, during ball I am competitive and loud, at church I pray and repeat the answers teachers want to hear and when I am not supervised, Katy bar the door.
I am afraid that as a society we have failed to teach children who they are and only how to act. Unfortunately children who don’t know who they are and how to act turn in to adults with the same issues.
God knows who He is!
He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is Righteous, Holy, Full of Mercy, Strong and Mighty, Our Healer, Provider, Refuge, Father and the list goes on and on because He is the First and also the Last of everything in existence. The best part of all is that He loves you!
God knows who you are too!
That’s right! Even when you forget who you are, God hasn’t forgotten. He put a lot of time and effort into creating you. He actually created you in His own image. Just as children reflect their parents, we are supposed to reflect the character of God by doing what we see, hear or read about Him in the scriptures and through our quiet time with Him. Jesus was the perfect example of this.
John 15:9 “Jesus gave them this answer, ‘Truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can only do what he sees his father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.’”
The only way we will ever begin to see ourselves the way God sees us is to become doers and not just hearer of His Word.
We must believe that the truths written are directly for us as His children and not just for someone else. You Child of God are righteous, holy, blameless, fully equipped, more than a conqueror over your circumstances, the very dwelling place of God, and through His power there is nothing that He tells you to do that you can not accomplish.
Rubber and Glue
There use to be an old saying when I was growing up that went like this:
“I am the rubber you are the glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!’
It was meant to keep others from saying bad things about you because if they did, they would be saying things bad about themselves. I often say if you wouldn’t say something about Jesus, then don’t say it about yourself. Would you call Jesus ugly, dumb, clumsy, etc.? No! of course not. Then don’t say them about yourself either.
How do you to change your self-image?
Remember you are meant to be His reflection in the earth, so the first step to changing your self-image is to change they way you talk about you.
Practice looking in the mirror and saying nice things to yourself. It just might stick!
Father, today I pray that those who read these words will be inspired to become all that you have created them to be.
May you send others in their path to see the hidden treasures you have placed in them and encourage them to
become the light you call then to be to their families and to those around them by holding their torch high.
I thank you that we are each a unique reflection of you.
Looking more like Him each day,
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