Have you ever considered becoming pregnant with God’s plan for your life?
What do I mean by that question? About fifteen years ago I came across an amazing teaching that compares the birthing cycle of a woman to a nine month cycle on the Jewish calendar. The cycle revolves around the Feasts and is supposed to represent a time of becoming pregnant with God’s plan for your life and the conception of a dream that God has for you. (I would tell you the name of the Rabbi that taught the series, however, I don’t remember his name. When I looked up who I thought it might have been I couldn’t find it.) This cycle takes place from Passover to Hanukah and each milestone the fetus or dream the Holy Spirit wants to birth in your life is marked by a Feast or significant Holy Day.
The reason this teaching was so profound to me was because it had already been happening in my life.
I had been through the cycle a few times. God had used this analogy of becoming pregnant with His plan one spring and then I began to see it become a pattern in my walk with the Spirit. It was years later when I found this teaching and I was so excited because I had already been living it out.
Because I think this process is so amazing, I wanted to walk through it with you this year. So get ready for…
The Conception of Your Dreams
Now I am not implying that all your dreams will come true this year, but if you choose to let Him, the Holy Spirit wants you to become pregnant with whatever you need to carry you into the next season God has prepared for your journey.
Our journey begins with Passover, the day the Israelites applied the blood of the lamb to the door post of their homes. They applied the blood as a sign they were prepared for what was coming. Ovulation is the first step in the physical pregnancy process. During ovulation in a woman’s body, blood rushes into the uterus to prepare the body for ovulation.
Spiritually speaking this is a time when we should apply the blood of Jesus to the door post of our hearts. It is a time to let the blood of our Savior cover our past sins, hurts, and grievances. Stay under the protection of the blood and allow all of these things to die as the Spirit of God “Passovers” you. Prepare your heart for something new!
You don’t have to know what your “new” is yet, just let the Father know you are willing to concieve it. Ask Him to create a place in your spirit for His dream to grow.
Seed Selection
Jesus is obviously the ultimate chosen seed that was born to take away the sins of the world, however, each of us were also chosen. Ephesians 1:4 tells us that those in Christ Jesus were chosen before the foundation of the world. Before the words “Let There Be” ever came from the mouth of God, you and I were already predesigned in His heart and chosen for a specific purpose.
Scientists have discovered there are millions of sperm that travel towards the egg in the fertilization process, but it only one will get the job done. Why so many? Maybe it represents the millions of different choices we have everyday verses the one most excellent way that is God’s perfect will for our lives. We do know the world’s path is wide and varied but the Lord urges us to choose the narrow way.
It is imperative for you to know you have been chosen for a specific purpose. God has placed His Spiritual DNA in you so that you are more than equipped to carry out all He has created you to do. You are more than one in a million!
The Feast of Unleavened Bread will occur in a few days. Following Passover, the Hebrews had to leave Egypt in haste. There was no time to let their bread rise so they were instructed to prepare unleavened bread. During this feast, the removal of the leaven also represents the removal of sin from our lives.
In a physical pregnancy, the father’s sperm must leave in haste to reach its destination. The sperm must arrive within one day of ovulation. If it does not, then the egg disintegrates and the pregnancy will not occur.
For our pregnancy in the Spirit, however, the key here is intimacy, two becoming one. When the Spirit calls you or prompts you to come close to Him, do so in haste. He has softened and prepared your heart for something to be birthed in you. He wants to whisper His thoughts about you and dreams in your ear. As you spend time with Him and come to believe the words He speaks about you, His desires will become your desires. It is in that oneness that God sized dreams are conceived.
Psalm 37:3-4 reminds of these things
- Place your trust in the Lord
- Choose to do what is right
- Dwell in His presence
- Rest in His covering
- Take delight in your relationship with Him
- He will make all your dreams come true!
Are you willing to become pregnant with God’s Plan for you this season?
Have a date night with God! Spend some quality time in prayer with Him and His Word. Ask the Lord where He wants to take you spiritually this season. Don’t make this hard. If you are ready to conceive, He has already prepared you for it. What is the desire that God has placed in your heart?
Remember you may have multiple spiritual births before the fullness of your dream comes to pass. Every step of the process can be a new birthing experience. It is important to walk this journey with Him and not ahead of Him so every stage of development is complete. Ask Him for the first step in the process and be willing to conceive that this season.
I can’t wait to hear about all the spiritual babies that are headed our way.
Please leave a comment and let me know if you are on the journey. I would love to pray for you and your new birth and also appreciate your prayers for mine.
Definitely on this journey right now! Very exciting & expectant! Thank you for praying for me, Jamie
Hi Amy, this is Madaline. I am so excited about the journey that the Lord has you on this season. I would love to hear more about your birthing process as your God dream continues to grow. I will be posting about the next step in the process soon, make sure to check it out! Thanks for reading ignitingfamilies.com.
Dear Madaline,
It inspired me to read this to conceive with God’s plan. I am ready and want to be with God. Please pray for me too.
Hi Elizabeth. I am so excited that you are becoming sensitive to the wooing of the Holy Spirit to continue on your journey towards God’s plan for your life. New adventures are very exciting and can sometimes be daunting. Remember what God said to Moses at the burning bush. He said I have seen, I have come down, and I am going to do this great work. He then extended a hand to Moses to follow Him on the journey by being his mouthpiece to the people. That is what God really want from us. Obedience and the willingness to take a chance on allowing him to reach and save others through His work in us. Praying for you on your journey! I know it will be amazing!